Oral Surgery
One of the most oral surgery that’s done in major dental clinics is third molar extraction.
Impacted third molars can be problematic and painful. With Digital Radiography, which lowers radiation dose, a proper diagnosis is done taking into consideration all pertinent aspect. We then do the surgical removal of the problematic third molar painlessly.
Because of the varied position of these teeth, treatment is designed for each specific case.
Diagnosis of other impacted teeth is done by routine Digital Panoramic X-Ray. Early detection and treatment is always the best care to avoid troubling, malformed, misaligned and mal-positioned teeth.
Surgical removal of other hard and soft tissue anomalies is also done on a case by case basis.
Whether with local (area) anesthesia or sedation, surgical procedures are done with minimum trauma and little or no post-operative problems as patients are prescribed meds pre and post surgery.
We are confident in what we do!
Consultation is a must.

Dr. Osbert O. Usher Dental Clinic welcomes all Patients
Contact us now to schedule an appointment.